Project Background

The Village of Los Lunas has long been recognized for its strong sense of community and dedication to enhancing the quality of life for its residents. However, there has been a noticeable gap in recreational offerings within the Village – the absence of an aquatic facility. The absence of swimming facilities, encompassing recreation, competitive, and therapeutic swimming, has been a longstanding concern for the community. The residents of Los Lunas have expressed a desire for a swimming facility that could not only provide recreation but also serve therapeutic and competitive needs.

In response to the community's desires, the Village of Los Lunas has taken proactive steps to address this need. The local government, known for its commitment to actively listening to the concerns and requests of its citizens, has acknowledged the importance of filling this void in recreational infrastructure. As a result, the Village Council has expressed a strong desire to explore the feasibility of establishing an aquatics center that caters to the multifaceted requirements of the community.

This project aims to provide an all-encompassing evaluation of the proposed aquatics center, encompassing various facets, including financial feasibility, planning, design, sizing, and construction. Furthermore, the project will consider the long-term operations and maintenance of the facility, ensuring its sustainability well into the future. This feasibility study serves as the foundation for decision-making and may prove pivotal in determining whether the Town will proceed with the development of this much-anticipated community asset.

In pursuit of these objectives, the Village of Los Lunas has partnered with Sports Facilities Advisory and Counsilman-Hunsaker, experts in the field of sports and aquatics facility development. These organizations have been commissioned to conduct a aquatic feasibility study, examining the possibilities for an aquatic center. The study will encompass a full site analysis, providing insights into all estimated costs, including design, construction, permitting, soft costs, as well as long-term operation and maintenance expenses.

The Village of Los Lunas envisions the creation of an aquatic facility that not only addresses the current recreational, therapeutic, and competitive needs of the community but also becomes a beacon of health, well-being, and recreation for generations to come. This project is a testament to the Village's commitment to enhancing the quality of life in Los Lunas, and through rigorous research and planning, it seeks to provide the community with an aquatic center that meets their diverse needs and desires.

Stakeholder Input / Enagement

Community engagement has been completed. Please see "Site Selection and Market Analysis" for a summary of findings.

Demographics And Market Analysis

Site Selection and Analysis

Design Options