Survey Period 3 Summary

The final engagement period included a ranking question to determine the most favorable option between options 1, 2, and 3. An option 4 was included for contributors who are not in favor of any option. Of the over 1,100 contributions, option 3 ranked highest followed by option 2, 1, and the ‘no new pool’ option ranked least favorable.

This engagement period included an open-ended question allowing respondents to provide any additional feedback they would like to share. This feedback was then summarized into positive, negative, and a combined mixed/neutral category. All respondents who participated in the options ranking were required to answer the following open-ended question: “Please share any additional feedback regarding these options here:” Feedback was calculated to be 42.31% positive, 16% negative, and 41.69% mixed/neutral.

Sentiment Summary (ALL)

  • Overall, sentiment towards the swimming pool project appears to be mixed, with both positive and negative feedback provided.
  • Positive feedback highlights strong community support for a year-round indoor pool, seen as crucial for consistent access to swim lessons and recreation. Residents believe the pool will significantly enhance quality of life and potentially boost tourism through safe recreational options for all ages.
  • However, concerns exist regarding resistance to new taxes, especially property tax increases, due to affordability issues for fixed-income homeowners. There is also skepticism about the project's cost-effectiveness and past financial management, with preferences leaning towards maintaining existing infrastructure and exploring alternative funding sources.

Positive Sentiment: Summary

  • A pool would serve multiple populations, including children, families, the elderly, and professionals. It would provide a safe environment for swim lessons and water therapy, support the local swim team, and offer a healthy recreational option for all ages.
  • A new pool could attract and retain professionals and families in the area, boost local tourism through hosting swim meets, and generate revenue year-round. It could also reduce the risk of drowning by providing a safer alternative to the river for swimming.
  • The majority of the feedback favors Option 3, highlighting its comprehensive features, including indoor and outdoor facilities, which would meet the long-term needs of the growing community and provide the best value for money.
  • Respondents believe that a well-equipped pool would improve the overall quality of life in Canon City by offering a much-needed recreational and fitness resource, fostering community spirit, and promoting a healthy lifestyle for residents of all ages.

Negative Sentiment: Summary

  • Strong resistance to new taxes, especially property tax increases, due to concerns about affordability for fixed-income homeowners and the overall tax burden.
  • Skepticism about the cost-effectiveness of building a new pool, with suggestions to focus on maintaining existing infrastructure instead.
  • Frustration over past mismanagement of funds and a lack of confidence in the ability to manage future costs associated with the pool.
  • Preference for alternative funding sources, such as partnerships with organizations like the YMCA or private investment, rather than solely relying on taxpayer funds.
  • General skepticism about the long-term viability and maintenance costs of a new pool facility.

Mixed/Neutral Sentiment: Summary

  • Concerns about cost and sustainability: Many residents are worried about the financial burden of increased taxes and whether the pool can support itself financially through user fees alone.
  • Preference for practicality over extravagance: There is a recurring sentiment favoring simpler pool designs (like Option 1 or 2) that meet basic community needs without excessive costs.
  • Support for year-round accessibility: While there's hesitation about the cost, there is strong support for options that offer year-round access, citing benefits for both youth activities and adult fitness.
  • Need for clear communication and education: Residents express confusion about funding sources and costs, suggesting a need for clearer communication to build community understanding and support.
  • Emphasis on community inclusivity and multi-use functionality: There is a desire for the pool to serve all age groups and offer diverse activities, suggesting a preference for options that maximize community inclusivity and usage.

Options Comparison Chart

This chart includes a brief comparison of the 3 new pool options. Icabone is included as part of this comparison. Please review this image, and the video/tax impacts on the right hand side of this page.

Options Comparison Chart